Diversified portfolio
❤ Diversified portfolio example
*Take as an example
20 % Bank stocks ヒ20 % Auto mobile stocks ヒ
20 % Pharma sector stocks ヒ
20 % IT sector stocks ヒ
20 % Metal stocks ヒ
If we assume that one stock will give very good returns in my future. Here lots of examples in
our hand " once upon a time yes bank was the fundamentally strong all good stack " no one think
about the stack value will sees 13.35 INR from the top crested (nearly 400 INR)
Yes Bank has lost the trust of many customers after a string of negative news, including alleged fraud by co-founder Rana Kapoor. The bank has passed a crucial test but has a long road ahead
The right investment plan make you rich
notice that the magician of stock market say's IF YOU DON'T FIND WAY TO MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP , YOU WILL WORK UNTIL YOU DIE . the sentence is so true which is normal people can't agree this because they want instant gratification .
that's why they still believe abrakka daabraa !!!!!
put your effort what you want don not turn back until you succeed
I like to show you a interesting video here the rich mind set and poor mind set
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